Multi Effects


New member
anyone here can recommend me any good multi effects for guitar which you have personally tried and used before? your personal favourites? i play stuff from Gn'R to Skid Row etc so am looking for something along that line. any help will be appreciated, thxs!
Yea, the boss GT-8 will cover everything you will need if you can afford it. As they say, "The Most Powerful Guitar Multi-effetcs in the World!". :P
GT-8 is tha way to go, bro. But a cheaper alternative would be Korg's AX1500G. That's not bad you know. :wink:
AX1500G is pretty value for money..

BUT..instead of 1500G i'd rather go for 3000G..
I used the POD XT Live for a while........

Great digital modulations (quite obvious but still......), not so great distortion/overdrive.....

Actually if you play old skool rock like GNR and Skid Row I'd suspect you'll probably be underutilising a multieffects pedal since that genre doesn't actually require that many effects. A good OD, distortion, wah, maybe a chorus or some other modulations and you're pretty much set. Though if you want versatility and ease of use multi-effects is really the way to go....
Top up a bit more and GT-8 could be urs. I think it owns the AX-3000G anytime. Another one to look out for is the Vox Tonelab SE.
top up ABIT more??u sure??3000G is is 1k...tonelab is ard 400+ if i remember correctly..after discount..
Well, retail price for GT-8 is definitely over 1K. But swee lee has the discount thingy right... So it goes for around 750 unless i'm very much mistaken. Like i said, top up a bit more lor... :lol:
eh...i dun tink 750..after 20% discount is like 1k..summore havent add in the gst..
no la..tts not directed to u la bro!!!

its juz a figure of IT!

get my drift?


so dude..u got it during the sale?? :lol:
ok watch ur words pal...

i didnt get it during sales. normal time.

ya, bro worldwithoutneverendinglines, tell our fren slacker how much it is...
swee lee website pricing not accurate one la. I looked at the prices of the pedals listed on the website, then I made a phone call to swee lee to ask the prices, they quoted me a cheaper price for all the pedals. :wink:

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