I blame society, not for drugs, but for using propraganda to alienate those who choose to be different. Never seen the movie "Reefer Madness," but I can tell you that it is used to create an illusion that drugs like marijuana will kill you or drive you insane. Call me a hippie, druggie, or whatever, yes i smoke pot, on a regular basis actually, but I have control just like many other recreational drug users i know. Gateway drug? Maybe, it depends on the individual. The more insecure the individual, the more succeptible they are to peer pressure. But what is peer pressure? Most drug users i know are selfish with their drugs, because they paid for it, why would they waste their money on somebody who doesnt even know what they are doing? Nobody has ever come up to me and been like, "Dude you have to try this!" It was more like me going up to them and being like, "what is that?" then they say, "Weed, and no you cant hit it, but you can buy your own."
Nobody i know has ever pressured me into doing something that i wasnt comfortible with. I have done coke, acid, inhalents, and plenty other types of drugs. Will i do some of them again? Probably, in the right situation, at the right time, and at a place where i feel comfortible. Moderation is the key. I dont recommend sniffing glue to anybody though, thats just retarded and i dont plan on doing it again.
Has it effected my life, in terms of grades, jobs, and personal life? no not really. I have written essays on marijuana, and the effects on the body. No real side effects are present that are not in cigarettes, such as lung cancer.