mould growing on fretboard =(


New member
hey guys, as per title.. i've got disgusting white mould growing on my fretboard. it's an electric guitar with a rosewood fretboard, and mould's only appearing on the fretboard (i suppose it's 'cos every other part is lacquered)..

i don't play this guitar often, left it aside for a long while and when i took it out a few months ago, i found mould growing on the fretboard. cleaned it up, applied lemon oil (fretboard looked dry), and everything was okay. left it aside for close to a month, and when i just took it out, there's mould on it again!! >= (

so... any tips on preventing mould from growing would be appreciated!

further info: when i don't play the guitar, i keep it in a soft guitar bag. i turn on the air con only occasionally.
lemon oil is used to help loosen the wood so that it's easier to remove dirt when rubbing through with steel wool. in any case, mold growing on the fretboard is not a big problem as it does not damage the guitar in any way.
Mold is indicative of too much moisture. Try placing a dehumidifier in your guitar storage area. It needn't be those expensive guitar manufacturer-type; a Thirsty Hippo will suffice.