Modifying Internat Bass hardcase


New member
hi all,

i got a SKB case use it a lot for touring, issues is that it fit Jazz bass so is slightly bigger and able to fit a corvette shaped warwick, but now i got a vampyre and it cant fit. i wana make it a square type so i can either fit a corvette shape or a vampyre shape.

any local stores, that u guys know that can moded the internal foam of a bass hardcase?
just a suggestion - every try rip open the soft cloth covering the foam? perhaps you can draw the shape you want on the foam and use a low-wattage soldering iron to burn off the foam to form the shape?

ps: i havent try this before - but i think it would be messy, gluey, and whatever. lol. maybe a blade/knife/filer would be better.
Why not get a universal shaped case instead?

If there isn't any one/shop that can do this professionally, I wouldn't risk destroying the case by cutting up the foam though. Cutting the foam is actually the ez part, re-upholstering is the hard part.

thanks alan, i did just that and it works well. i try to go around trying to purchase 1 hardcase for it but its too big and non, carry the size that i need. i tried yamaha for gator they dun even bring in hardcases anymore and order took 3-4 mths, swee lee is hopeless as usual, and the rest of the "cheapo" hardcases i dun really trust for air travel.

the pics is a bit not on in order.

1. carefully ripped out the fabric from the foam

2. draw the outline.

3. use a various cutter and screw driver, heated the tools with a lighter for easy job.cutter to cut and heated screw drivers to shape the curves ;p

4. clean and remove as much glue residue from the old foam

5. careful with the type of glue, some glur actually eat into the foam, we experiment and found a glue that doesn;t seem to eat in to the foam.

6. step by step by evenly spread the glur and section by section pull the fabric and make sure everything is tight, and finally staple a few of the glue at the side to make it nice and tight

7. put a bit of glue at the bottom of the glue and case and fit it in and its all works well.

PS. i wonder if artfriend or any art shops sells a foam big enuff to fit coz i love to get 1 and try to foam cut a shape for the basses and make it interchangeable. and spotlight carries some really nice fabric. this going to be my next experiment ;p

PSS. the SKB foam are the really cheap foams, not those dense type found in LCD monitor packaging or laptop packaging,. was a bit disappointed :(
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thanks for sharing this. so now we know we can 'easily' modify it to fit our custom bass if needed.

can share with us which brand of glue you've used?