Modern Drummer & other drum mags


New member
hey guys,

has anyone checked out the latest issue of Modern Drummer? this month's issue features marco minneman


his concept of interdependence is pretty interesting, any softies checked out his extreme drumming DVD yet?? do feedback/review plssss :D

also, i caught a one-off issue produced by MD this month titled 'Drumgods'


is not bad too... i liked the part where they'll ask the drummer his thoughts on grip, influences, whats important to them e.g. reading, how to keep good time etc.

pls do recommend and review any other drum magazines here!!! (is there a thread for this laready?? o_O)

erm.. may i know where to buy these mags?

i see a lot of guitar magazines, guitarplayer, guitartechniques around.. but haven seen a drum mag yet.. XD
they have " DRUM " magazine at excelsior hotel . there's a shop near drum resources ( same level ) they sell LDs too, opposite some shop that sells some collectible figuring like starwars :lol:
Bought the Drum Gods issue. My fav has to be the Dave Grohl part. The part he talks about just doing what he thinks he feels is best for his drumming/music making is inspiring :D
heh danial, tks for the heads up :D

yeah i read DRUM for a bit when i got pretty saturated of MD content for awhile.. its all good man

hi kazuki,

you can buy them from borders at wheelock place or kinokuniya (level 3) at takashimaya shopping centre =)

Hey alfe.. thanks for sharing.. the last part really got me

MD: You also retain a similar drum sound to The Jimmy Chamberlin Complex record: the open snare and toms. It’s not a safe, tidy, or typical rock drum sound.

Jimmy: What is the point in doing that? The world is ready for something with some balls behind it. The days of safe, Pro Tooled music are over. I just can’t get emotionally connected to something that was recorded to a click track in a computer. I’m too much of a jazz fan and a fan of music in general to get behind anything like that. It just bugs me.
Seeing people respond to this record has been really interesting. We recorded everything live to tape—and we didn’t use click tracks, and we didn’t use Pro Tools. We didn’t do any digital editing at all either, so the drum takes you hear are just me going for it. People really respond to that. They want to hear human beings making music, not a Macintosh G5.
As a supporter of all drumming... I strongly urge everyone to subscribe instead of buying from the shops.

I have been a subscriber to Modern Drummer magazine for the past 4 years and still is!

My personal humble opinion...they have also been really nice and kind to support Singapore Drumfest, and that means they are genuinely interested in the Singapore drumming community with no 'catch'.

Benefit 1:
its much cheaper...much much cheaper! I pay only about SGD $5 for 1 copy. I believe the shops cost about SGD $13 to $14 a copy!

Benefit 2:
Getting every months issue really keeps anyone updated with the latest stuffs, gadgets, equipments, reports and definitely the most outstanding veteran and up & coming drummers around the world! Everyone will be well-informed and not be always behind the Americans!

Benefit 3:
Its lands in my post box, don't have to go to the shops to get it!

a) Not enough time to read-well at least you are up to date with all that is happening in the drum world/scene all around the world just by browsing thru and catching up later.
b) Too many adverts-pretty much all magazines are like that, as long as there is good and quality content.

Bottom line is... choose your fave drum mag and subscribe and very soon, you could find that you are full of useful drum knowledge and not just off the internet.

Happy Subscribing!
thanks boon for the heads up.

yes, i've been paying $13 by picking it up at newstands every month.. about time i do something about it, do u have any recommended website or contact no./email softies can enquire about subscriptions? thanks! :D

warm regards
yeah boon...

any ideas where we can subscribe from...

the most terrible thing is, not being able to find the magazine in most shops...
yeah.. the shops only bring in magz that can sell mah.. if they can only sell one or two copies den no point bringing it in.. i would like to subscribe oso... other then modern drummer, what other magz are there? any reccommendations?
There is another drum mag called "DRUMZ!". Hmm yeah. I think I should suscribe to MD too. Sometimes I forget to pick up a copy from the stores and end up missing certain issues.

Jimmy Chamberlin is in this issue? Damnnnn! I MUST BUY IT!!! He is my drum hero since I was a teen :D
i tot there's usually a subscription form in the mags? check either the beginning or the end pages.

but ok, jus found some links for subscriptions. Dunno how Boon gets it for $5 per mag cos MD and Drum! are 60usd (prob 100sgd) for 1 year. maybe he gets a discount as a repeat subscriber. anyway 100sgd is still cheaper than paying $13 x 12 = $156 :mrgreen:


Drum! Magazine and Traps: The Art of Drumming:

Classic Drummer:

Drummer (if you have spare dough... a killer 75 pounds for 1 year!!):

and i'm very sure can order back issues, blurred, just email them, man.
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DRUMZ can be found a bit more easier... but article wise, not as good as modern drummer..

yo snow, thanxfor the links...
Hi Dull Theater,

Where is the website for "Drumz" magazine? i only know a drum! magazine...


For Modern Drummer subscriptions, you know you always can find a "subscription post card" in every issue? I last looked at the recent issues.... its only 49.97USD for 1 year, 2 years even cheaper! I think drum! magazine would be the same way to subscribe.

And yes snowflier you are correct...Mine is cheaper becos I've been with them for 4 years. loyalty program... come to think of it , when i started my first year , it was that price ($5 per copy ) too!

A) Rhythm magazine from UK can be a choice too- every month comes with audio CD of play along tracks and many tutorials, very cool! but price also more la.... subscription also not cheap.

B) New magazine called Drumhead launched at NAMM this year is great too. Editor is veteran drummer Jonathan Mover himself!

C) Drummer mag from UK

D) Modern Drummer

E) Drum!

Actually, just choose one magazine to subscribe will do to avoid overdose...its all good but different in style and presentation.

Happy Subscribing!
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thanks for the info man... but i just wondering... how to pay them? i don have a credit card ...sian... totally dumb at this

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