Hi, This is my own personal experience, I try not to sensasionalize it and let the reader make up your own mind:
Few weeks ago, I was looking for a replacment power supply for my Yamaha FX-550.
Went to Plaza Sing Yamaha shop and asked the sales guy: First reply from him: " What is a FX-550? "
OK to be fair, he later told me to go to the service center and ask for it. Only after I kept asking how can I get help.
This evening, I wanted to pick up some gtr polish and fretboard cleaner for my axe. Placed the two bottles on the casher counter and waited for the sales guy to finished talking to another client. Then he took a sip of water (fair enough, the mans has been on his feet talkin gthe whole day), ans walked away with not even a hint of curiosity of why I stood at the cashier counter for.
Obviously, I left the 2 bottles of merchandize and walked away.
end of my encounter.