Military question


New member

I’m researching NS for a major school assignment for my final year.

Currently I am trying to formulate a survey to distribute here and other forums. I just need to know a couple of things before I can start making questions.

Does Singapore have any special military days or rituals? Like public holidays to remember lost soldiers in the war or anything like that where you have 1 minute silence or something to remember those who fought and died?

Are there any traditions related with the military + society in Singapore?

Um that’s it for now.

In army there are SAF day, Division/brigade anniversary... alot but so far this is the few major ones i guess
ok, are there any public ones? with parades and things?

Any why are you the only one helping me out :( so many people ahve veiwed this thread but your the only one helping, thanks for that.
i am only trying my best as i am a "private" only and there might be something i don't know/forgot or miss out.... i juz finish my army last year, so i am still quite fresh.... haha...

Btw,,, not sure if there are public ones, but national day is also one of the day that need alot of army personnel to take part....
Hello Nitrovo,

you may want to approach the Public Affairs of Ministry of Defence for assistance and I am sure they have all the information you needed. Seeking information casually on the internet or even privately may put some of your respondents in breach of the National Service Act or the Official Secrets Act.

wow, gotta learn about this stuff.

But anyway, just for startes i need to know of special days in the year to celebrate/commemorate/remember/respect singaporean soldiers. I could look at a calender but i wouldnt know which days it would be.

This is just basic knowledge isnt it? e.g ANZAC day in australia is a public holiday held on the 25th of April, and we have a parade with all the soliders and veterans, gun salute, 1 minute silence and its a really big and important day.

I just want to know what days singapore has like this.

There's a day that commemorate WW2 soldiers. I cannot remember the day or the name - it is a long time since I was in the Army. I knew about it because I had to play the bugle for that day (and I had to climb a ladder up this foyer at the cemetery with no railings whatsever - one step and it's a 3-storey drop..).

On this day, a lot of war veterans and some family members will appear - some coming from other countries including Australia. You'll see war veterans appearing with crutches and only one leg etc.

Of course, there's also SAF Day.

And don't worry - these days of commemoration and celebrations are not state secrets! They get to be broadcasted on TV as well - I believe the WW2 commemoration is broadcasted overseas (I think I appeared on BBC when I played the bugle that year!). You should be able to find these info on the Mindef website. Oh, and these days are not public holidays (like ANZAC day in Australia and NZ). They are just special days in the Army calendar.
Oh yeh, there's the SAF Day where the members of the public could actually go in and take a look around the training areas. Or something. The tanks, and rifles and stuffs are way cool.

other than the public affairs dept, you may want to visit the SAFTI MI library at SAFTI or contact the heritage dept of mindef. they shd have the info that you want.
Not too sure whether is it relevant... But if you are thinking on drilling on a particular unit... Perhaps you can try to obtain their anniversary books?

I have my unit's one... 8)
nah dude. i dont know much about this, which is the whole purpose about the whole assigment which i started last year, finish in about 8 months from now

Just need to know some basic info so i can start making up a questionarre
the one which commemorates the WW2 heros is called Remembrance Day. its held at the Kranji War Memorial I think.

there's also the one at the War Memorial Park.

Most of these are organized by the SAF Veteran's League.

maybe u can check them out in the net.
for a more 'happens-today' kind of thing, certain battalions or units might have the Changing of Command Parade when they change the Commander.