Midi Instruments


New member

I need some help with my midi track. So basically I've exported a midi track from guitar pro 5. However when I import this midi track into my DAW , I am unable to change the instrument in the DAW itself and it keeps changing back to the one thats used in GP5.

Example, I've got a guitar track in guitar pro 5 and i exported it as a midi file, but when I tried to change the midi track in my DAW to something like strings , it doesnt work and keeps changing back to guitar whenever i click play. Is there anyway to edit it such that it doesnt go back to guitar? I know i can change the instrument in guitar pro 5 to strings first but I've tried and it works but I am unable to change some stuff and keeps defaulting back to its settings in GP5. So is there a way to make it such that I'm just exporting the midi notes itself and not the instruments too?

Well firstly, what DAW are you using? Just curious =)

Actually, I dont think the instrument is exported along with your MIDI track; your DAW is probably set to use the same GM your Guitar Pro is using. If your DAW supports vstis, what you can do is to set a vsti, so that your DAW reads the MIDI, processes the notes thru the vsti (in your case, a strings vsti), and outputs it as the instrument you wanted.

As for how to set it up, it depends on your DAW.

Here are just some of the many many many vstis out there:

You can wiki vsti to find out more too. It's basically a Virtual Instrument. I'm not a pro, but I sorta struggled awhile with this some time before.

Hope this helps =)