MIA Fender Deluxe $2k New!

I've got one of these deluxe strats from Brandon. Paying this kind of price for the Fender deluxe quality, I have absolutely no regrets!

And the S-1 switch is wicked! Searing single coils and growly humbuckers... you have them all-in-one! Awesome tones at all settings.
I've got one of these deluxe strats from Brandon. Paying this kind of price for the Fender deluxe quality, I have absolutely no regrets!

And the S-1 switch is wicked! Searing single coils and growly humbuckers... you have them all-in-one! Awesome tones at all settings.

tell me about it. i'd snatched one already if not for the fact that i have to lose my rights, lose my hair, lose my freedom in the god-forsaken island called "Pulau Tekong" this friday. haiz...

brendon would u still be bringing this babes in? hopefully my posting would allow me to play guitar, not like those stay in 5 days kind. heh.
tell me about it. i'd snatched one already if not for the fact that i have to lose my rights, lose my hair, lose my freedom in the god-forsaken island called "Pulau Tekong" this friday. haiz...

brendon would u still be bringing this babes in? hopefully my posting would allow me to play guitar, not like those stay in 5 days kind. heh.

Bro... My American Standards coming up for $1.7k. Cheers.
I am looking out for a Fender Deluxe Telecaster with maple neck and S1 switch. Preferably burst or white body. :mrgreen: