method to learn the guitar


New member
hi guys,

I've been playing on/off for a couple of years and recently I have tried to improve my playing. I was really tired of always repeating the same patterns and stuff...

so I decided to learn my fretboard, the intervals, some licks/chops and a few other things. it really helped and I can feel some improvements already.

yet I feel the need to learn music theory (read music, not just tabs) and develop a better ear, understand the harmony etcetc

is there a book/method that teaches a guitarist the theory correctly in an intuitive and progressive fashion? ideally the book would come with a cd-rom to practice the exercises and would teach how to practice (what to do, for how long...)

lol im kinda like you. i probably sound DAMNNNNN noob from all my posts about silly things but ive been playing for like 6 years?
just that i recently switched from acoustic to electric and boy was that a huge jump (with all the modding and stuff. not to mention more room for GAS)

i think learning scales online would be a good start in order to improvise later on. im definitely not the best person to advice you but i just grab those piano theory books around the house and get the scales from there.