Metal band with diverse influences seeking the missing pieces of the puzzle


Greetings. We are searching for a keyboardist/drummer/2[SUP]nd[/SUP] guitarist to complete our line-up. The core of the band currently consists of us three (vocals, guitars, bass). We are focusing solely on composing and recording original music. Our influences are diverse, and would broadly encompass the likes of Strapping Young Land, Opeth, Emperor, Arcutrus et al. This list is by no means exhaustive, we if you think you have something fresh to bring to the table we’re always willing to consider (see open-minded below)
We are looking for members who possess the following attributes:
Tech-savvy. Much of our writing process is done at home and online through the cloud. Having your own setup to record and edit ideas is essential. You don’t need to be an engineer, but you at least need to be able to lay down some ideas on your own.
Open-minded. Inevitably, there will be things that we disagree about playing. We respect each other’s opinions about what we don’t like to play, but only after having tried it out first. Nothing is forbidden, everything is permitted.
Reliable. We all have work and family commitments, so our expectations aren’t unrealistic. Being able to commit at least a couple of hours once a week is the minimum. Exceptions can of course be made, but last minute cancellations should be very rare indeed. Due to our respective time constraints we strive to be efficient, so please don’t show up not having done your homework.
Opinionated. You will be involved in the writing process. Whether you choose to be in the driver’s seat is very much up to you, but you will at the very least need to give your comments on what you like or dislike.
Technically competent. You don’t have to be a virtuoso, just competent.
For your reference, the average age of the band is over 30. We’re not chasing big dreams and second childhoods, we just want to focus on making music that we believe is passionate and meaningful, and looking forward to whatever flows out of that natural process. As the three of us are very comfortable with the writing process we have at the moment, we are ultimately looking for someone who will integrate well into that process and find their niche. It is impossible to ascertain whether the dynamics are right in a short period of time, you will be “sessioning” with us until all parties are convinced that it is either the right fit or the wrong fit. Initial estimates place this at some time around one month, but the situation will be fluid. Staying on is just as much your choice as it is ours, but rest assured we’re only interested in people who are in it for the long haul… and naturally expect that they will be the only people interest in us.
Appended below are a couple of pieces that we are working on. If you like what you hear or would like to find out more, do get in touch with me at 92322733 or