I just got a 2nd hand Pearl Forum kit and i live in a damn HDB]/b] so i guess you all know the drill. Its too noisy. And the biggest complainer aren't my neighbours, its my dad. Cuz he works nightshift and sleeps in the afternoon. However, i am weary of my neighbour downstairs cuz he has a baby at home and has complained to me before abt me stamping my feet on the floor (before i got drums) and complained to the neighbour above my house (they own a kit as well).
Anyways i'm a night-guy. I practise a lot at night. So i really need to silence my kit. Please dun go with the "but its an acoustic set, it shld ring out". Screw tt. I live in a HDB. I would be pissed too if my neighbour on top played his drums without any muffling at night.
People have told me mesh-heads are really quiet but take away a lot of feel.
I've also been told slip-on mufflers are not as quiet and kill more feel! But they're more convenient when changing back to normal skins (which i probably wun be doing regularly). There's also stuffing your toms with clothes and stuff which i'm not too keen on. I only did that with the bass drum (pillows,comforters blah blah).
I really need something that can really keep it quiet so i can jam at night into mornings as well. I was also considering selling the kit and getting a the comprehensive practice pads (not electronic kit).
I do realise all this kills a good amount of the drum feel but i'm not primarily a drummer. I enjoy drumming as a side instrument. Guitar is my main passion. But i do want to learn proper drumming technique as well. So some suggestions as to how i can achieve a quieter kit without heavily comrpomising feel (a degree of compromise is ok) would be great since this is the place with many knowledgeable ppl!
Thankx a bunch!
So to summarise, mesh-heads, slip-on muffle pads or alternative methods?
And how on God's green earth do i shut the cymbals and hi-hats up?
Anyways i'm a night-guy. I practise a lot at night. So i really need to silence my kit. Please dun go with the "but its an acoustic set, it shld ring out". Screw tt. I live in a HDB. I would be pissed too if my neighbour on top played his drums without any muffling at night.
People have told me mesh-heads are really quiet but take away a lot of feel.
I've also been told slip-on mufflers are not as quiet and kill more feel! But they're more convenient when changing back to normal skins (which i probably wun be doing regularly). There's also stuffing your toms with clothes and stuff which i'm not too keen on. I only did that with the bass drum (pillows,comforters blah blah).
I really need something that can really keep it quiet so i can jam at night into mornings as well. I was also considering selling the kit and getting a the comprehensive practice pads (not electronic kit).
I do realise all this kills a good amount of the drum feel but i'm not primarily a drummer. I enjoy drumming as a side instrument. Guitar is my main passion. But i do want to learn proper drumming technique as well. So some suggestions as to how i can achieve a quieter kit without heavily comrpomising feel (a degree of compromise is ok) would be great since this is the place with many knowledgeable ppl!
Thankx a bunch!
So to summarise, mesh-heads, slip-on muffle pads or alternative methods?
And how on God's green earth do i shut the cymbals and hi-hats up?