Mesa/Boogie amps in Singapore


New member
Recently I have been hit by an uncontrollable urge to get me one of these amps, prolly a F30 or something small..

Unfortunately there seems to be no main distributor left in Singapore, and even esden dosent have any more models left... So I was wondering if any of you guys have bought Mesa amps online and how u guys went about it...

Or better yet, if there is any news of swee lee or some other company wanting to be the distributor for their products soon? :D
wow rich guy 8O just wait for esden to stock up? don't think SL would want to bring Mesas in bah. quite a small market(most of us are lacking kaching$$). who knows maybe you might get lucky :lol:
you can correspond with mesa directly thru their website. I did so about a year back when i wanted to get a mesa power amp. They do direct sales and shipping and are pretty helpful. Also remember to specify the European voltage of 240V
There's someone selling a F30 and a Mark III 2nd hand on luther.

Do try out the amp before you decide. No good to get into the hype and everything and buy on impulse. Follow what your ears tell you.
hmm gargamelesp, which email address did you use to correspond with them directly? I have sent one to their international service one a few days ago but still no reply :( Thanks for reminding me of the 110V/240V issue!
Hey gargamelesp, are you using the Mesa 20/20? Seems to be a popular match for the JMP-1 on HC reviews. Any comments on it or possibly a review? :)
Hey sorry to disappoint you but i went the way of the Marshall 20/20 because of the following reasons

1. the presence of a deep switch which adds a lot to bass response
2. i ordered my jmp1 and my 1936 cab from davis, and i figured that i might as well order my poweramp from marshall as well.
3. i was a little worried about the lack of technical support

However, i think that for "mechanical items" such as poweramps and heads, they should not be too difficult to repair. This is compared to more "high tech" stuff such as midi preamps, where a lot more technical expertise is needed.

Might be considering a vht or a mesa 50/50 poweramp, but not in the near future. Many other things to get first =)

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