Mass Order F bass strings


I'm thinking of getting some F bass strings over the internet and thus i would like to check if anyone is interested so as to share shipping cost. Do pm me by Sun if you are interested.
I'm ordering from Donvan (TB). 5-string costs 30USD and 6-string, $45USD before shipping charges. I'm getting a F-bass strap and 3 packs of 5-strings. Shipping charges depend on quantity ordered.
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Hi Donovan, nice to see your reply. I am the dude that pm you btw. =) Nice to have you here.

Oh regarding the price on the 6-string set..... i suppose you have a typo error on your accessories page on your website? =p
U know the F Bass strap is an OEM of the Levy strap selling at Davis, just with the F Bass logo right? At twice the cost :)

Anyway just FYI, there is a SG dealer for F Bass, did u check with him for pricing?
Yeah good idea to check with a local dealer first, if he isn't bringing them in I could prolly make an order with you.
Someone care to explain the difference between Fbass strings and the other brands?

TS, any news if the local dealer brings them in?
I'm not sure who the local dealer is, and i'll probably go ahead with the order with Donovan. Last call anyone?
just restring my fbass with the fbass strings... fbass really comes alife with it... perfectly balance, good responce, focus with not so trebleish... it feel so natural on the instrument... thanks bro totis for the help.. :)
Ever tried Ken Smith Stainless Steel Rockmasters on ur F? If so, any comments on how they compare? I've tried DR Hi Beams, Black Beauties, Ken Smith Nickels and hated em all on my BN6. Only ones I liked so far are the Ken Smith Stainless Steels, and even that is after they've been run in for a while and totally lost their zing.
havent tried a ken smith steel... dunno how it sound on the bass... tried sadowsky n DR on it... not really like a DR on fbass... the sadowsky sound nice but sometimes abit middy n slap mid scoop not enough.. the fbass just balance n sit nicely on it... u sould try a set.. but its not really feel like a new string... feels like string has strung up one or two weeks... so feels nature n nice.... but duno how long can it last... :) hows the ken smith sound? read alot of complement on it but davis always out of stock... anybody tried a dean markley blue steel..? look interesting..