Marshall MG15MSII

Okay. I know this thread started quite early,but I have a few questions to ask. Sub,I thought of upgrading my crappy SX amp to either the MG30DFX or this one. What is the tonal difference overall? And volume level? I was looking at this one cos the DFX didn't come with midrange for the clean channel. I'm boosting up the clean channel with pedals (Uber Metal and Para. EQ) ,but the downside too is that this amp doesn't have a footswitch,so I can't switch distortion channels. (The Uber and the overdrive channel.)
I play Metal mainly though,however sometimes may stray into rock,punk,blues.
get the DFX version only if you have any use for the on-board effects (which aren't fantastic, just acceptable)...

one way of getting round amps with no footswitch capacity is to invest in a pedal looper pedal like this one (not cheap though):

ahhhh. I see. Thanks bro! How much are these foot looper pedals worth anyway? And btw,particular footswitches right,for eg,Marshall footswitches,can they be only used with Marshall amps or any other amps that has a footswitch input too?
though i know there is no "right" answer, i would like to know if the mg30dfx would sound better compared to this. thank you
if you have a collection of pedals which fortifies your tone regardless of any amps you plug into, the Marshall is recommended. if you think you need good tones with some FXs on board (because you dislike pedals at this point in time) to keep you interested, the CUBE is a better option.

Hi, so this amp handles effects well enough? Thinking of getting a vox but a marshall with almost the same price range, better ask first.
marshall amp

hey, i own this amp myself....sweet clean tone and powerful overdrive channel it has.... but there are 2 things that would certainly makes me more happy about the amp...which is eliminate the buzzing noise when the gain is high and having a footswitch....i play metal but i dont prefer distortion from pedals but instead this amp gives me wat i it is very troublesome for me to switch clean to overdrive channels when im playing the guitar