Marshall JTM30-comparision with other tube amps


New member
hey guys, hows it going?

just want to share with some of you, about 2 weeks ago i got myself a marshall JTM30. It was a 91 model i think, its in mint condition, exterior wise, played great for what i wanted, so i got it :D

Prior to this, I had demo-ed a large range of other amps, including peavey classic, XXX, valveking, vox AC30, H and G. I found alot of them too punchy, and agressive in attack, especially when playing hard/passionately, eg when funking. i found the worst imo, was fender twin! i found this amp too bright and lacking in depth, although the punch was very unpleasant though i know many will disagree

I originally had set my eyes on JTM 60, and this sounded better than the 30 watter, but, someone had snapped that up before me..anyway if anyone wants a review of the marshall i can muster one up, or if you want my opinion on any of the above mentioned amps feel free to post here!

cheers guys
Dangit! :lol: No wonder I find it a bit surprising that you can find a JTM30 and JTM60 almost simultaneously. Seems too good to be true in Singapore.

All right.. Do you have clips then? 8)

Ever tried a Laney? :wink:
Haha...... I have a JTM60 up for sale, just haven't advertised it yet. Just PM me. It's in SG.

These 90's amp was built in an era where lead sound were very important, thus that is where it shines. There are definately distinction between fender, marshall, vox, peavey sound taste. When you are talking about tube amps, the drive flavour is so distinct that either you like it or not.
actually, i stumbled across the 30 watter by chance, there might be a slightly larger range of amps to choose from over here, but guitars are a different story lol, singapore has it good in that regards

ok, i will get a decent mike, been wanting to for a while(btw can anyone recommend one for around $100?) and fix the buzzing noise coming from somewhere, and send u a clip :D

I actualy tried a laney side by side with the marshall, and actually i liked them alot. the overdrive was awesome, oodles of bass, though it didnt cut out mid or high end either. i couldnt fault the laney in any way, actually it did have a nicer bass sound and better sustain than the marshall i thought so anyway...i cant remember which model it was, but it was about $1500 sing new, made in the uk, and all tube(of course)

coming down to it i liked the clean channel much better on the marshall, i would like more bass and sustain tho
Mike, PM you have and perhaps a trial session too. :wink:

bluesmonkey, I'll be waiting for your clips then. Anyway if the Laney that you've tried is a combo, I would presume that it's from the LC/VC series. I'm loving my Laney at the moment but only problem now is that it's a bit too loud to play ay night. :cry:
yep the laney i tried was a combo...thats it- tube amps were meant to be played loud!

nah i didnt try any randall amps unfortunately mate.
want puncy sound get the SS amp
want sound-with depth get the tube amp!
marshall,vox uses different design circuitary and sound differ from one another....