\m/ Metal Council convenes to discuss 'metal hand' abuse...


Should the abuse continue, Butler said the council "will defer the matter to Satan."

tts the funniest part! :lol:
Haha, funny but its true many pple abuse using this \m/. Some even do it whitout knowing the meaning behind it...

Sad, but true

I will remember the rule
"If your head is neither banging nor thrashing, you should not be throwing the sign"

Sylvester Sim loves to use this \m/ on tv

Maybe Satan might be able to do something to him.... :twisted:
Yea, sylsvester should be made to eat his own hand while having a superheated cross in his eye then skinned alive according to the metal council.
It brings tears to my eyes to flick onto MTV and see some simple plan or goodcharlotte clip with teeny boppers doing \m/
There's another sign that is almost the same as the metal sign, only that the index is clenched. Leaving the thumb and the pinky sticking out, I've seen Corey from SK using it.
And I was wondering what does that mean.
Or does it even mean anything, ha.