M-audio is ok product. I start with M-audio then change a few audio interface, than back to M-Audio. I never use Protools,thou. Protools M is for all M-audio product. Protools LE for all Digidesign Mbox and 003. Protoosl HD is for all Digidesign product higher than Mbox/003. My advice buy those interface with power supply adaptor optional. All the bus powered only interface have switching noise during start up and shutdown(as I encounter). This is harmful for your monitor. It also draw additional power form motherboard. It can cause stability issue when you have too much device on the same bus.
There are other product to compete M-audio, but the quality is not far ahead or behind M-audio. But thinking ahead, Protools is still the de facto standard. I see many oversea band,artist only carry Protools project when they travel all over the world. This group of people normally are sessionist. They don't need extensive midi sequence like cubase or sonar. But there are track limit in Protools M and LE. I think they extend it to 48 stereo/mono track. Meaning you cannot have the luxury of having 3 takes for a full band recording.