Lower acoustic guitar action?


New member
I recently got a new acoustic, but the action is kinda too high. Started off with electric then acoustic, so im not really sure how to lower its action. Any softies can give me some tips? Thanks :)
check to see if the saddle is too high. if there is allowance, shave it down. however if you are not familiar doing such a job, please send it to a guitar tech.

btw what acoustic guitar is that?
You will need to check if the neck is traight or bowed by the tension of the strings.

Easy way to check is by fretting a string at the 1st fret and at the 16th fret (with your right hand pinky finger) and then at the 8th fret with your right thumb. If you have to push the string down a lot (more than 1 mm), then you can straighten the neck to lower the action. If you have not done this before then contact someone who has the tools and the know how to help.

I'd be glad to, but I'm in Oz!


I actually kinda checked Google too, but it came out with sanding down the saddle and adjusting the truss road which im both not experienced with, so im kinda afraid to touch them. Kinda forget to mention this, sorry bout that. But thanks guys for helping out!

Its an acepro guitar that i got from SvGuitars
I recommend getting a shop's guitar tech to do it for you if you're not experienced in it. Any mistake and it could be the end of that guitar. :)