Lots of irritating fuzz and buzz...


New member
hey there

i've got this really irritating buzz coming from my amp with all my effect plugged in..

some info on my rig:
1. Boss PW-10 Wah
2. Boss DS-1 Distortion
3. Vox Satchurator
4. Zoom G2.1U
5. Boss FS-5 footswtich

all the cables i use are all planet waves instrument cables. the daisy chain is an Ibanez one. the only thing thats really cheap and lousy is the power supply for the pedals. its some cheopo piece.

so i'm wondering, is the noise i'm experiencing due to the adapter? will getting a noiseless adapter like the 1SPOT fix this problem?


EDIT: i do have the noise gate on my Zoom G2.1U turned on. the buzz happens only when i add in some distortion from the Satchurator (VERY VERY little, just to get a slightly more lead tone) or the Distortion while playing.. however, even if they're on, but i'm not playing, its quite as a mouse with the noise gate on..
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