Looking to form a band and/or just jamming


New member
Hi there. I'm 19 and a guitarist,an amateur at best, and I'm looking to form a band and/or joining one for jamming.
I like to play songs by bands like Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Nine Inch Nails, Foo Fighters. Old school stuff. I'm mostly influenced by Nirvana. I like to play acoustic as well. So ultimately I'm into rock/grunge/industrial. I know it isn't really popular here, but what the hell, right? Also I've made a couple of songs.

If you think we're along the same lines, message/call me at 92960244 AND WE JUST MIGHT CREATE MAGIC. Thanks :)
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Thanks guys. I've usually been by myself so I hope I really do find people. It'll be nice to play in a band again. And yea it isn't popular, but it damn well ought to be exploited !