Looking to buy: Higain amp head


New member
I m really tired after searching....
called sweelee, no more peavey dealing...
walked around shops, either those heads are priced over 2-3k+...
or just with 1 preamp tubes(you know its the circui gain rather than a real tube driven character)
or those brands that does not really cater for metal player at all...
Take this as my hopeless whining or whatsoever you would...
I'll just give a last shot here to see if anyone were kind enough to let go some decent higain amps.

My budget is about 1.2k+ cash. not really certain about toppin up in short period.
I want some heads with at least 4 preamp tubes, preferably 6l6 power tubes.
watt does not matter much. (for sure this configuration is gonna be most likey about 50watt+ and higher)
Preferably US style tone rather than british style, coz my cab has speakers that are pretty focused on high-mids and sound bright enough even for my old blackstar.
If you got any heads that you think has enough power and balls for modern metal chugging
just shoot it to 92473146
We'll discuss.
Hope my luck still stalking around me...
anw my cab is a 8ohm 212 cab. So if the head happens to not provide the matching impedance then too bad for me...

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