Looking forward to find more peeps to play guitar!


New member
Everyone out there.... Nick here.... Im a newb guitarist and been self taught initially after tt i took up lessons and looking forward to find more peeps to chill out tgt around the wild wild west! Best if you guys can add me to msn or smth. chows


-----------------------------------------Strat's my mddle name---------->>>
-Black Jack and Danny (S-S-H)
-Black Reserved California Squire Seriese (S-S-H)
-CRATE 15w amplifier
-Zoom 2.1u multi fx
haha welcome. i'm self taught too. my school's in the west! around buona vista that area.

welcome to soft.
hey guys.... really looking forward to find more peeps to play guitar around west. Would be fun if theres both rythem and lead.