Looking for white singer (American,caucasian)


New member
Looking for white singers aged between 21-24.we got a drummer, a guitarist and a bass player ready.pls contact us me on this page
Im not Excluding anybody.i just want the band to be fronted by caucasian the rest of us are local singaporean.cuz brits and american caucasians can sing in english more fluently then us.and i know whats best for MY Band.i dont care about your preference im doing it for my enjoyment.:)
Hmm. Most non-Caucasian Americans are also able to sing English-language songs in the same accent(s) that I use as a Caucasian American (Incidentally, many non-American vocalists I know are also quite capable of fooling me into thinking they're American when they speak or sing too). I also recall that very many white Americans speak and sing with thick, distinctive regional accents that I presume are not what you're looking for at all...

If you are actually looking for a singer who has a specific way of pronouncing words as you say, or even a specific way of speaking or writing, then for your band's sake you may want to actually just say that explicitly, rather than going at it in this indirect way which unnecessarily and erroneously invokes skin color... Not only because skin color, nation of origin, and singing accent absolutely don't have the one-to-one correspondences that you seem convinced that they have, but also because a lot of Americans and Brits (particularly those who would move to Southeast Asia and look to join a local band) will likely cringe in repulsion when they see this. I did.

Consider it as a cultural quirk of ours, if you like, but it's one you might do well to consider while recruiting.

Im not Excluding anybody.i just want the band to be fronted by caucasian the rest of us are local singaporean.cuz brits and american caucasians can sing in english more fluently then us.and i know whats best for MY Band.i dont care about your preference im doing it for my enjoyment.:)