Looking for vocalist and keyboardist for Chinese / English Pop-Rock


New member
Hi y'all, we're currently looking for a vocalist and keyboardist to do Chinese and English Pop-Rock. Do fill up the following and PM me the details, thanks so much.

Currently we have a bassist, drummer and guitarist. We're in need of a vocalist and keyboardist! We usually have band practice at Clark Quay area on Thursday or Fridays evening, we do not band practices during the weekends.

Kindly fill up the following and PM me back, thanks!

Preferred Language:
Band Experience:
Contact No:
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Cool, could you kindly assist in PMing me your info by filling up the 'form' above? So that I will be able to contact you? Thanks!
Name: Andrew
Alias: coolboi
Age: 32
Gender: male
Race: chinese
Preferred Language: mandarin/english
Instrument/s: keyboard/piano, a little of guitar
Band Experience: -NIL-
keyboardist here

Hi, we're still looking for a keyboardist! Thanks!
Name: Shuling Kang
Alias: Shuling
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Race: Chinese
Preferred Language: English
Instrument/s: piano, violin
Band Experience: jamming sessions for fun but not often
Genre:chinese pop (dont mind playing anythin as long it is nice)
Contact No: 93699158
im a singer here. 19 years old. currently still studying. may try out as a vocalist here . may i ask if you guys play what kinda song most?
im a singer here. 19 years old. currently still studying. may try out as a vocalist here . may i ask if you guys play what kinda song most?

Hi GY9123, we already have a vocalist. We're just missing out on a keyboardist. But we usually play Chinese / English Pop / Rock. Jay Chou, FIR, Paramore, etc.
Name: Zhi Hai
Alias: Caine
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Chinese
Preferred Language: English
Instrument/s: Guitar, Keyboard (Self learnt)
Band Experience: Have tons of jamming for 2 years but was for fun
Genre: 80s and 90s Rock, Alternative
Contact No: 90705427
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Still looking for keyboardist... =(

Keyboardists are so rare...we got a song list up, just need a keyboardist... =(