Looking for Vocalist and Drummer for Progressive Metal(Periphery,AAL,Tesseract,HS)


Hello everyone,

We're looking for a Vocalist and a Drummer to play progressive metal shtuff like Periphery, Animals as Leaders, Tesseract, Haunted Shores, Erra, Friend for a Foe, Dream Theater, Devin Townsend just to name a few.

We don't intend to limit this band to just metal stuff but instead explore other aspects and different styles of music, we pretty much listen to a great deal of other genres too, from post rock to alternative.

Short intro:

We currently have 2 guitarist, with roughly about 6 years of playing experience. We do have our own gear, including 7 string guitars and a simple recording setup too. You can check out some of our recorded tracks on our Facebook page

Some stuff that we're looking for;
Must be able to do CLEAN singing, well if you can do both CLEAN and SCREAMING well that would be a major plus! However lets not get too hopeful, if you can do either well enough do hit us up! CLEAN singing would be of main priority though.

Must be able to play to a click, have decent amount of experience, must be able to write their own grooves and also best to have their own kit. This genre of music requires quite a fair bit of technical abilities.

You can check out some of our stuff here:
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bro we would like to jam with you guys.. im a vocalist and my friend is a drummer we had a band in philippines and we are both working here in singapore now. we would like to join in a band if its ok..
heres a link of our video in youtube


you can contact me 90288413.. rod
Hey, do you still need a vocalist? Im a vocalist/guitarist who has been writing and performing both covers and originals previously at gigs and dingy pubs. I like the tracks Im hearing and would like the contribute to your songs.