Looking for top40s vocalist


New member

Guitarist and cajonist looking for lead vocalist to form an acoustic band. Any performance experience would great. Hoping to get gigs at pubs/weddings and corporate events. Planning to play top40s/crowd favourites with a our own little spin on it whenever possible to keep things interesting.

Current band members are in our early 30s. Any interested parties please drop me a PM with any performance videos or recordings.

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Guitarist and cajonist looking for lead vocalist to form an acoustic band. Any performance experience would great. Hoping to get gigs at pubs/weddings and corporate events. Planning to play top40s/crowd favourites with a our own little spin on it whenever possible to keep things interesting.

Current band members are in our early 30s. Any interested parties please drop me a PM with any performance videos or recordings.


How to contact you? I could be reached at 9756726 four. Thanks!
hey, i'm unable to send you a PM, it's saying your message inbox is full and need to delete some messages before it'll go through. You can also contact me at +x on whatsapp for a chat. Looking forward to hearing from you ! -Cheers, Aaron
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