Looking for Studio to record Voice-overs


New member
Hi people,

Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, so pardon me if I am posting at the wrong place.

In any case, I am searching for a studio to do some simple voice recordings, for a commercial game that my company is now making. We have the people doing the voice-overs, and would like to book a studio for a recording session.

So can anyone here recommend any decent studio for this purpose?
Will the sound engineer (or whomever is helping to do the recording) be included along with the booking normally? And how does the pricing goes?

Many thanks in advance =)
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You could try Schtung studios, they have a lot of corporate clients for TV ads, radio ads, etc.

Very professional, and charges by hour. A good suggestion would be to make sure your VOs know their stuff before they go in.
hi there

hello im Syam,

I guess im already too late to post this reply to you. Anyway just f.y.i I have my own recording facilities. We do music recording, editing, VOs, video and audio productions, sound enforcements and A.V.

If you happen to require the a/m services, we are at your disposal.

Thank you.