Looking for Singapore's Zack de la Rocha


New member
Yes, I know this is a longshot, but if by any chance you are the one person in Singapore who loves RATM and can pull off Zack's vocals with conviction and are looking for band to showcase your talent, please send me a PM.

We're a newly formed 3-piece band consisting of members who used to be regulars in the cover band circuit. We jam on Friday evenings, have a fun time and don't take ourselves too seriously.

If by some miracle you can also sing and like music from the 90s, you seriously need to get in touch with us.
Sitting around at a kopitiam after jamming to talk cock, observe the fairer sex and bust out random cypress hill verses is mandatory. ;)
Also looking to do originals when we eventually have our own sound.

Come on! Give it a punt. 5.5 million people in Singapore, there's gotta be a vocalist who likes to cover RATM and other 90s bands.