Looking for Serious Guitarist who can Sing and Play for Working Acoustic Duo


New member

I am a female percussionist looking for serious guitarist (semi-pro/ pro/ female/ male) who can sing and play to form an acoustic duo for working purpose. You will be the primary singer and I'll be playing electronic percussion. It will be a different acoustic duo lineup as compare to the usual, vocalist and guitarist duo. My electronic percussion can spice up the music and we will be an unqiue acoustic duo.

Our music will be Top 40s for the crowd. Aim is to get resident paid gig at pub/ club.
There are alot of opportunities but I need to find the right partner. So if you can sing + play and commit, then give me a pm with your:
- list of repertoire
- age
- sex
- experiences

Thanks for reading :)

P.S: PM me if only you want to make this as ur career path.
Hey there :)

Hmmm im kinda interested, but can u email me ur no. at fiqo_afiq @hotmail.com. easy for us to contact then here. ;) talk to you soon