Looking for rock bands to play on 24th Sept gig

Hey there!

Rockstar Entertainment is looking for rock bands to play for a gig on the 24th Sept 2011 which falls on a Saturday Night! Location will be at boat quay area and you are not required to sell tickets or pay for anything! If you have a band and you are interested in working with us please do drop us an email! On the event day there will also be a lucky draw for your invitees and lots of drinks promotion! Bands with many invitees are also entitled to our reward scheme! So please don't hesitate drop us an email with your bands info, if you are interested in playing! Please be advice to use the format below.

Band Name:
Band Genre:
Years Together:
Number of members:
Contact number: (of at least 2 members of the band)
Website: ( if you don't have any its fine )

Email us at: mikemirucki@gmail.com
