Looking for Rhythm Guitarist


New member

Hi Guys,

We're currently looking for a second guitarist for our band. To cut straight to the point, we're looking for someone who is influenced by the likes of Guns N' Roses, Metallica, Motley Crue, Velvet Revolver, etc - you get the drift, to play rhythm guitars for us.

Preferably someone aged in the 20's and done with NS. Most important thing is you can jam on Saturdays, either 1-3pm, 2-4pm or 3-5pm. If you can't meet this criteria, don't bother. Also, best if you have played for at least 5 years. No offence, we've had some bad experiences of late.

Listen to our first recorded track and watch videos of our covers and originals from past gigs. Think you fit the bill? Drop me a mail - we'll work something out.
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