Looking for Post Hardcore vocalist/screams


New member
We're looking to complete our 6 piece line up (currently drums.rhythm.lead.bass.cleans) for our post hardcore/experimental band.

We're currently done with songwriting and we're planning to hit the studios soon after the vocalist is done with his/(her)/its lyrics...

we're a new band but all of us come from different bands/experience..

we're friendly 18-20 years from RP and NYP and Kaplan lulz...

currently this band needs loyalty and commitment. we're serious bout our musical journey but we're still kids and we plan to have fun at the same time as friends....

this sounds like we're looking for a life-partner lol.. some of us are gay but we're serious. i can promise you that we're a tight band and we're planning for big shows like baybeats haha...

hit me up 85243961 if you wanna what we've produced so far and if you're interested to join our bandwagon
