Looking for Post Hardcore musicians to form a band!


New member
Hello everyone,

Lets form a band that plays post hardcore / metalcore. The band will be doing originals and performing in gigs in the future. But we all need to bond first.

Need Lead&Rhythm Guitarist(Which both also plays lead actually), Bassist and a drummer. Must at least have the standards to be able to play the song below.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeWsSM584h0&feature=feedu - For All Those Sleeping (Post Hardcore Type 1)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcTtbBXT23g - Envy On The Coast (Post Hardcore Type 2)

Preferably aged 18 to 25. Committed to jamming every week at least once. Pm me if you are interested, and be sure to be able to play the above songs, but doesn't matter next time because we will create our originals anyway, just need to have certain skills. Pm me or drop a message below! :)

I am filling the vocals section, clean, if needed for certain songs, I can play the keyboard too. Members also will need to be able to scream/gore(pure scream is also good). Members are able to be fun and funny and not too serious and have attitude problems. I am Chinese/20.
[More about me]

Name : Joel
Gender : Male
Age : 20
Race : Chinese

Goals : To join/form a local band that does original song composition, participate in gigs to showcase. Bring out the passion.
Style : Post-Hardcore
Position : Frontman (Clean) [Vocal Skills : 7/10]

Commitment : Jam 1-3 times per week, any days preferably Weekends, can turn up for last minute jamming, Night jammer (afternoon possible only on weekends)

Influences :
- Envy On The Coast

- For All Those Sleeping

- Screamo Genre
I am a punk / metalcore guitarist interested in joining the band. I can play both lead and rhythm. I also written a few original songs.
I am a punk / metalcore guitarist interested in joining the band. I can play both lead and rhythm. I also written a few original songs.

Thanks! Will need your contact in any form so I can update you if you are still interested by then. Pm me your contact.