Looking for permanent drummer for my J-Rock cover band

Hi, I'm looking for a drummer. My old drummer has gone missing (oh I'm sure he's still around, he's just not responding to calls, sms or any online methods) so we need to find a new drummer.

We're doing covers of various anime songs, L'Arc, Dir En Grey... quite a wide range. If you're interested I'll send you some of what we have at the moment.

This is a serious band. Plan to gig very regularily. We're out to have fun, but we'll need a high level of commitment. Not to say that once we decide on a song the next practice has to be 100%, but do at least familiarize a little so you can "fake" your way through, or if you can't, let me know ahead of time so I can plan the schedule.

We rehearse every Sunday afternoon. Timing varies, but it's at least 2 hours + every Sunday afternoon... well, we have a break once in a while but it's almost always constant. So I'll need a drummer who can keep Sunday afternoon free. Closer to gigs, we rehearse on weekday nights if we can find a slot where everyone can make it.

Contact me at 91 997 757 or email me at composer.of.requiems@gmail.com if you're interested! And please do stay contactable subsequently!