Looking for people to work with for a music project


New member
Hey guys we wish to work on a pop album and sell it.... we would split the profits... doing this for portfolio and experience :)
Looking for dedicated persons to work with us... we intend to get the album played on our radio stations :)

We are currently looking for a
-Singer (We need a picture and a short demo of your vocal quality) :)
-Music Producer (Send some of your work in)
-Sessionists (Guitar, Bass, etc.) just send in your stuff and if we need you we'll shoot you a message :)

It would also be great if you could send us some of your details such as your name, age, contact info & occupation as we'll be working really hard on this for a few months :)

Hope to hear from ya :)

Send your mail to petrus.ng@rockstagrecords.com
and you would be the.....?

your description is very vague.

and you'll get some musicians under the musicians market section.
okay thanks a lot....! i will post in the musicians market then... :) and to answer your question.... i am trying to build an indie label in Singapore with the funding i have (parents, friends, etc.)... :) so i am hoping that there would be more than 1 project going on... any advice would be great too :) we currently have artist managers, video diretor, etc. so we have some infrastructure set-up.... hoping to get an office soon :p