Looking for people to mass order PRS parts/pickups

Hi friends,

I've managed to contact a major US dealer to ship some PRS parts. These include pre-cut PRS "unbotainium" nuts to replace the cheapo plastic ones that come stock with the SE. Those who own a SE or intending to get one should definitely get this.

Also, I intend to order PRS pickups from them as well. Those who already own a PRS but wanna swap their pickups or those who do not own a PRS but feel like getting PRS pups to get a feel of it can try this out.

I'm trying to get a bigger order so we can share the shipping.

Precut nut : USD13.50

Pickup : 85.00USD - 99.00USD depending on the model and whether the cover is silver or gold.

Shipping : Around 30 - 40 USD.

Please post here or PM me if you have any queries so I can direct them to the helpful support guy from the dealer. :p
Hello illuminationexcursion,

Perhaps it would be cheaper if you obtain the parts from Davis Guitar in Peninsula Plaza. From what I recall, they sell the PRS unobtanium nuts at 25 SGD per piece. You do need to do some final shaping to round off the sharp edges though and level the height of the nut.

However, I find that I prefer a well-polished bone nut to the PRS graphite nut for a non-trem equipped guitar. It's just alot more classy and tonally superior IMHO if you aren't fanatic about keeping your guitar as close to original spec PRS parts as possible.

As Davis Guitars are the sole distributor for PRS guitars in Singapore, it may also be cheaper to obtain your pickups from them instead of purchasing it from the USA and then shipping it in. Possible to save on shipping costs that way.