looking for peolpe to work wif ORGANISER


New member
Hi, name's ram
i just did the gateway to haell gig, was not well cause of e sound systems but really good bands.
i am intending to do more next year but i need to find people who have done their secondary school.
need lots of time to spend on this.
i am looking for a group of people to work wif me.
if intrested, juz call me at 91715124..
thank u...
sorry there won't be any pay for e moment but as soon as we are done with our evnts and get the cash in, i would distribute evenly...
i am only 17 and i have no cash..
if i had i would pay u guys by the day..
trying to make it big...
those intrested, pls do post or call...
i want to organise gigs..
there would be no pay for now.
pls do sms me at 91715124..
i would tell u guys e full details...
hope u guys are intrested...
thank u so much...
well yah, i knw i am over ambitious..
i should take it easy...
thanks for e reply anyway.

i already have 2 ppl as sound engineers.
looking for people who are good in business management.
people who intrested and willing to take risk, join the team..