Looking For Passion And Serious Ppl To Join Us In Performing.


New member
Hi All passion and serious people out there!!!

I'm Sun Rain Tan, helping my boss to post this ad in A serious manner.
We are dealing with Mandarin/Cantonese Pop in Singing,Composing,Dancing,Mc,..
For those who are interested, please do email your profile with name,age,contact number,email address, a few photos of you with nice n cool outfits that you think suits you well,your skills,where you graduate from(your skills that you have learnt and u thinks might suits you to perform), venues/themes that you have perform and a general introduction of yourself to srt_music@yahoo.com.sg
What is your goals and what would you like to acheive? Please do inform me too.Thanks!!!

*We are from a small company. What we are doing now, is all for our passion and goals. We are in the mist of making it better, so nothing much. At the moment,we will not be paying you anything but we will try our very best to provide you of what we can. Transportation and Food/Refreshment will be in at the moment. So helpers, please do endure it for a little shortwhile... Show us your showmanship and teamwork that you can create WITH US. Strive together with us and makes all of yours and our goals with full of great acheivement and beautifully in life and live.

*We are also looking for photographers, cameraman, sounds engineer, technicial helper and backstage crews. For those Who are intersted, please do email me your profile and a general introduction of yourself to, srt_music@yahoo.com.sg Thanks!!!

Warmest Regards
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ok uhm... completely off topic and unnecessary, but i'm really really keen to know...

is your name really Sun Rain?