Looking for my next bass


New member
I'm endy, from Indonesia, and I'm new to this forum,
I'm looking for a new bass, thinkin' about buying a used one, comparing a modulus and a jazz bass style bass...
I have a scheduled trip to singapore in December, so I will personally buy the bass in hand, no shipping needed.

I'm looking for a used modulus bass, 4 string model, flea, or maybe quantum 4,

also, I'm looking to buy jezz bass style bass, sadowsky (if the price is right), maybe 2008++ MIA Fender, or maybe a valenti bass,

anyone want to sell?...PM me for an offer, or email me @ endy_yudho_prasetyo@yahoo.co.id

BTW, do you guys in singapore know where to find great used basses store in singapore?...

thanks in advance