Looking for musicianS


New member
Hey i'm a vocalist/guitarist looking for:
- guitarist/synthesizer
- bassist/vocals/synthesizer
- drums/percussions.

I'll be as specific as possible:

1. we'll be playing alternative/rock music which consist of elements such as airy, atmospheric and layered vocals.

2. basic skills, techniques and knowledge of individual instrument is expected

3. i can get Gibson instruments for guitar and bass, and Slingerland snare drums for shows

3a. it would be better if you have your own synthesizer

4. age limit between 20-24, preferably all male

5. owned basic effects such as delays, phaser, overdrive (for guitar) and of course tuner (for both guitar and bass)

6. committed, passionate, discipline and responsible

7. plus point if you have your own transport such as bike (band bonding stuff) or 4 wheeled vehicle (for shows)

Well that are some, drop me a PM if you're interested or you have any doubts!

cheers! :D
Hey. Avavilable band here.

hello there, we're currently a three piece band looking for a vocalist and yes we do have the same texture youre looking for. We're proficient individuals who happen to click well. Just tracked a couple of songs and waiting for mastering to be done actually. Personally Ive been writing the songs and looking for a another contributor if originals are your thing. If you're still available or wanna check out if this outfit's for you drop me a msg at 81831697. Cheers :)