Looking for musicians then decide the genre.


Hello everyone. I'm looking for a vocalist, a rhythm guitarist and a bassist who can jam on weekday nights and weekends.

I play the drums and my friend plays the guitar. We are open to almost any genre, any language. Originals also can. In short we just want to play. =D

Age: I'm 24, my friend is 22. We don't mind band mates older or younger than us. So age doesn't really matter.

Genre: Anything. Original also can. We can discuss this later on but maybe not metal because play metal very tiring. I want to try writing songs!

Commitment level: Whenever possible, we'll jam once a week. We're on shift work so we can't jam on a fix day every week. If we're jamming on a weekend this week, we can only jam on a weekday next week.

If you are interested or have any questions, feel free to text me at 90682129 (Leng). I can only receive SMS and make phone calls. Nokia phone classic phone. =D