Looking for multi-instrumentalist for alternative rock(muse etc)


New member
Brief Intro:

we're a decent band with alot of emphasis on good sound quality and end-product which is often missing in many bands

i have a mini home studio/jamming room with drums/pedals/mics/guitars(no keyboard though just sold mine recently). to be sound treated soon.

we often play via in-ear monitors.

theres no need to pay for jamming sessions, just that if we decide that you fit into us then if theres any future equipment to buy we'll all chip in. we're usually fair regarding such stuff.

you'll have to bring your keyboard over

current lineup:
2 guys - guitar/bass/keyboard/vocals/drums
one guy who plays drums only

we're all good friends. been playing together for about 2 yrs average. just lost our lead vocalist though so we're undergoing changes.

we enjoy playing muse the most. mostly rock but we dont mind venturing into other genres. in the process of writing our own stuff too.

we're all 18 this year.

we dont particularly mind session musicians as long as you're very good(better than all of us)

  • same level of contribution/passion towards the band as we have
  • you'll mainly be playing keyboard.
  • being able to sing backing vocals or even lead properly is a huge plus.
  • another plus if you can play bass/guitar.
  • another plus if you can play string instruments such as the violin.
  • another plus if you have a good attitude(to be determined by us)
  • another plus if you're below the age of 20(preferably 18)
  • another plus if you're a good looking female(again, to be determined by us, but for the contribution to the image of the band your looks can make up for the lack of skills)
  • another plus if you're not very stingy about money
  • another plus if you live in the north
  • list goes on

add me on msn if you're interested: mgffx2@gmail.com
bump still looking! being able to play the keyboard AND synth stuff is the most important criteria