Looking for live recording studio


New member
Hi, can anyone recommend a studio that does live recording but where instrument is captured separately? So that the individual instruments can be tweaked later on in the mixing process... Band setup - drums, guitar, bass, vocals. Thanks!
there r quite a lot of studios doin live rec...
u cn check the list in soft...
i happened to try out fyewerkz studios before...
they gt not bad live rec eqpt...
n yes they mic up each instrument to individual tracks so that u cn mix em lata...
n if i nt mistaken itz abt S$30 or S$40 per hr...
but that was when they were @ katong shpg ctr...
nw they r re-located @ geylang rd...
so i duno if they stil do provide live rec...
just chk the list in soft for the contact dtls of most studios...
n find out the best deal u cn gt lah...
XLayaR - Ha ha, not multi track recording. Just a demo but with the option to tweak individual instruments to at least make it nicer....