Looking for Keyboardist for Doves & Ravens


Hi all,

My band, Doves & Ravens is currently looking for a keyboard player.

The keyboard player we want should ideally be able to:

1. Play with different kinds of sounds (e.g. pads, lead synths, strings, rhodes, organs etc.) and not just play piano.
2. Should know when to play more and when to play less
3. Write your own parts for original songs
4. Would be a great plus if you are able to tweak/create your own original tones/patches
5. Would be a great plus if you are able to run/create loops for live performances

You can check out our band on www.youtube.com/dovesandravensmusic

Drop me a message at 98772081 or email me at dovesandravensmusic@gmail.com if you are interested.
Thank you!
