Looking for Jpop / Jrock band


New member
J rock / J pop

Instruments Played:
Drums, Bass, Lead Guitar

It would be good if its the drummer is a girl.
Bassist and Lead Guitarist can be boy or girl. :)

and me as Rhythm Guitarist XD

ano... if you're going to ask for the vocalist..

all of us will be the vocalist, all of us will sing.
Even ur voice is not that good it's fine, we can learn it and practice it.
Just believe in our-self we just need cooperation's.
just fight fight and never give up, just do our goals and dreams

so looking forward on you guys and we will become a one big family in the group!! ♥

if u want to join, just pm me or leave ur fb account into private messages and will message you :)

ja' matta ne arigatou!
yep still need guitarist and drummer

- - - Updated - - -

I am a girl :) & 17 yrs. old. I need 17 to 20 band mates