Looking for guitarist in the east (originals only)


New member
Someone with a decent pedalboard and diversed in composing his own licks. Genre: Love Metal

1: Song speed relatively slow/average
2: Very very melodic but i don't mind a few dissonances
3: preferably have a decent pedalboard/pickup
4: originals only
5: knows basic scales/ key switching and can keep up to tempo
6: preferably stays in the east, unless you wanna go through all the goddamn hassle of traveling to bedok for recordings and composing.

Demo/draft available as reference


https://www.dropbox.com/s/mx09y1od2hu6tf5/azizanreq - razorbladeromance.mp3

Sample of guitar playstyle: to be changed and rearranged up guitarist's preference

https://www.dropbox.com/s/nxmfgmb8gzrdcam/azizanreq -edge of life.mp3

all demo copyrighted by A.R.P

U can contact me at 92376664 or add me in fb, zia heartagram diabolika