Looking for Guitarist - Hard / Glam Rock


New member

Hi all,

Our band is looking for a guitarist to fill up the open slot. Mainly influenced by glam rock / hard rock like Guns N' Roses, Motley Crue, Skid Row and so on.

It's not a lead or rhythm position per se, as we usually interchange between both duties.

To find out more about the band, check out our first original track. We've also played a handful of gigs, played at Round 1 of Baybeats 2010, and recorded our first original track as mentioned above.

Jammings will be on every Saturday noon for 2 hours (most times 1300-1500), not any other day or timing, as this is the best option for everyone else within the band. No offence, but if you're not able to make it at this timing, then we're very sorry, as we've worked out different days and times on many occasions and nothing works. As the old saying goes - if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Hope you understand.

We have a few more originals to be recorded, so we do hope that anyone who comes in will be serious and committed. Preferably, you're aged 21 and above, and had completed or will be completing NS soon.

Sure look forward to hearing from you guys. Just let me know if you're keen and if you can make it this coming Saturday (14 Aug 2010), or whenever you feel you're ready.

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