Looking for guitarist for acoustic band


New member
Hey guys,

Am still looking for a suitable guitarist, female or male. Any age or race for an ACOUSTIC SET UP/BAND. Ive posted this before and maybe its not too clear.

Am looking for sum one simple, i don't expect an expert, a beginner is welcome too. Am looking for a band member not just anyone to play for gigs, am not looking for a sessionist. Where i hire a person to play then pay him/her.

I need sum one who can commit who have time. Its better if you're not in any band. Cause i don't want last minute you gone quiet or tell me you can't jam cos you have recording or jamming or anything. That's what Ive experienced.

And i need a band member, sum one who is willing to start from scratch. Sum one with an empty cup.
Sum one who is willing to play unpaid gigs for a start and from there we grow as a band.

What are my directions? To play in gigs, pubs definitely. Before this few guitarists pm me asking if ive contacts or already have a place to play. Contacts yes, but like i said i would like to start from scratch.

So if guys are reading this, interested, think you can commit, you're not in any band, you're willing to start from scratch then pm me. Or inbox me aye.

Thank you, hope to hear some response.