Looking for Gibson Les Paul Studio Alpine White with Gold Hardware


New member
Anyone here knows where to get one? And what's its suggested price?
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Email or call Brendon from BGWguitars, he should be able to bring in one. I estimate it'll be about 1.8K-2K
Thanks for the recommendations! I've already emailed BGW Guitars already, will be going down to Blackwood soon too! 1.8k to 2k is a lot more than I expected.:(
I bid on a couple LP studios with the colour combi u wanted that won for about 1.1k.. in excellent condition.
And just to warn you about gold hardware! I got my LP with goldhardware.. And the pickup covers are really bad looking now with the gold fading off here and there... And the bridge is starting to fade as well.. Though the tuning pegs seem to hold the gold pretty well.. So. Yeps just a heads up for gold hardwares!